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About Me
My passion is to help people take responsibility for their own healing with selected interventions and support as appropriate. My initial training was as a Physiotherapist where I became a pioneer in the field of occupational health and workplace rehabilitation. My experiences over 35 years have made me determined to find more effective methods for dealing with the psychological consequences of injury and trauma, and after undertaking extensive training, I now focus on being a chronic pain and trauma therapist using new and powerful therapeutic approaches to get outstanding outcomes.

My Background
I am a physiotherapist who has been working in the field of rehabilitation and recovery from injury for over 40 years now. Soon after completing my physiotherapy degree in New Zealand, I became frustrated with the limitations of my professional skills, as I worked in a rehabilitation centre where we dealt with chronic and recurring injuries, with many psychological sequelae. So, I moved into injury prevention, going upstream to the source of injury, working in industry identifying and eliminating poor work practices. In 2017, after becoming very disillusioned in the Workers Compensation system with outcomes for patients with complex pain, stress and anxiety issues, I decided to change direction. I commenced studying, and training in various Trauma modalities and today I work exclusively in this field, with chronic pain and trauma. I have helped hundreds of people recover from their trauma, become more informed and empowered, and more connected with who they truly are, which leads to more authentic and fulfilling lives.
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